Thursday, March 8, 2012

Trents New Hair!

Trent decided that it was time to do something different with his hair....he wanted his hair to look like the lead singers of Hawk Nelson.  H.N is a Chirstian punk rock band who Trent has gotten to see and he loves their music.  So when he came to me and said this two things went through my head; first I was happy he is looking up to these guys but the second was well....this was how his hair looked when we saw them in concert....
Can you see why I was speakless?  And yes I am happy that Trent looks up to these guys.  They are loud and proud of their beliefs!  I want everyone to know that I am not opposed to this persay...remember Paul walked around with hair like this but my son was clean cut up until a year ago.  I was shocked that he wanted to take a leap like this.

We get onto the computer and start looking at pictures and to my relief this is what Trent was thinking:
He wanted the hair like the blonde guy.



The back looks great this was a hurry Mom my hair looks fine picture.

What a handsome guy....I am such a MOM!

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