Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Currently ....

O.k I have see this around and thought it was fun.  Want to join along? Just copy and paste the questions and answer them on your blog. I'd love to see what you are currently up to.

Current Books: O.k so I have like 3 going but the only one I am reading regularly is 1 Peter in the bible.  I can hear the sarcastic thoughts already but seriously it is.  I will be honest and say that it is ONLY because I have been working very hard to stay on track with my daily devotionals.
Current Play list: Adele. I never get tired of her music and she's got an amazing voice.

Current Color: Red, red, red! I love red

Current Drink: Water.  Trying to shedded those extra "Christmas" pounds so I am cutting the empty calories.
Current Food: Food what is that?  Oh you mean all that firm green stuff (broccoli) that is in the crispy ligther green stuff (lettuce)....yeah I am over it! See reason above
Current Wish list: That my Aunt would come and just tell me what to do in my dinning room as far as my windows.  It is a very awkward space and I can not make up my mind!
Current Needs: Some may not see this as a need but SHOES!  I haven't actually be able to go shoe shopping in like 6 months and for a shoe addict like me that is just unacceptable.

Current Triumph: I'm really happy that I got back into a regular devotion schedule instead of hit and miss. Its been wonderful to have some quiet time with the Lord each morning.

Current Bane of my Existence: the 6:30 alarm! I AM NOT a morning person, but the world seems to be. Why can't school start at 10am instead of 8am? huh? why? it did in Oregon! is there any earthly reason not to let us night owls get some much needed rest? huh? sigh .... I know I'll never change this world, but if I could .....

Current Indulgence: a nap! see above ...

Current Mood: sleepy! (not really). Happy, content.  The most at peace that I have been in a long time.

Current #1 Blessing: Being perfectly happy with life.

Current Outfit: Jeans, short sleeve youth shirt, zipper hoodie that Margaret got me in Vegas and my FAVORITE pair of slippers that my uncle got me for Christmas 2 years ago.  And yet I am still cold....
Current Excitement: My plans with my husband....we are actually getting a weekend away!  Can you believe it?!?!?!  Our 1st since Sydnee has been with us.

So how 'bout you? What are your 'currents'?

1 comment:

  1. I think I am the only person in the world who doesn't care for Adele.

    Good for you for keeping up on the Word. I have not been nearly as diligent...uh-oh.
