Saturday, January 7, 2012

Report Card Day

I am going to show everyone my humble side here.....I HAVE THE BEST KIDS EVER!
Both kids have been working very hard this school year and it has been a challenge going from one school district to another.  Plus when Paul and I moved we made it a priority to move into the best school district in this area but what that means is they have every high standards.

After about 5 minutes this was the best picture I could get.  His friends were waiting outside for him to go "Riding."

Language Arts                    91% (A)
       Mathematics                87%      (B)             
Characteristics of a Successful Learner     ALL SATISFACTORY
Science         95%  (A)
Social Studies           92% (A)

Mr. Kendall has also upgrade Trent's AR (this is the reading program that this school district uses) level.  He started the year with a range of 4.0  - 4.7, this means that he was reading beginning year 4th grade books, to 4.7 - 5.6.  He was very excited because this means he is at grade level!  Trent has made the Honor Roll at his school and despite that look in the picture he is on cloud 9 about it.

Language Arts          P
Mathematics           P
Characteristics of a Successful Learner  ALL SATISFACTORY
Science        P
Social Studies         P

For those of you who do not remember from my previous post P means proficient at grade level.  Sydnee is also reading AR books and her level is 0.8 - 1.4.  This means that she is reading low level 1st grade books.

1 comment:

  1. WAY TO GO! Yes you have every right to be really proud of those kids!
