Saturday, November 26, 2011

Coming Down from our Turkey High

This Thanksgiving my family went to see Granny and Pawpo in Texas.  They are located in a town about 7.5 hours away; however, as those of you with kids already know the odds of us getting there in 7.5 hours were minimal.  To get in as much time there as possible we decided to leave at 12:15 am on Wednesday and get there in time for breakfast.  To make this happen Paul came home from work at about 5:30 and was in bed by 6:30 to get a quick nap.  Trent and Sydnee went to bed in the clothes they would travel in and Stella spent plenty of time outside to burn off some energy.  
       This is at our one and only pit stop of the trip.  YES we were able to pull that off, don't ask me how, it will probably never happen again.  Even though we left so early Trent and Sydnee were awake most of the trip.  The interstate that we spent the first 4 hours on is nothing but farm country.  This means at this early hour it was completely black out so one would assume that the kids would get bored and fall asleep....NOPE....not my kids.  Stella (that is her head sticking up from the back) did great on her first long car trip.  I was very surpised to see 8:00 am flashing on the car clocked when we pulled into Granny and Pawpo's.
       We spent most of Wednesday talking and looking at pictures.  Sydnee has not seen them since she was 3 so this was all completely new to her.  Trent was a lot more comfortable and just made himself at home.  He has no problem doing this anywhere he is....

       Granny had done a lot of prep work for our Thanksgiving meal so cooking time on Thursday was minimal.  I felt very special because she even decorated the table for us.

Trent rockin his Thanksgiving Day out fit.  He sure can clean up nice!

       After our meal we went to Pam's (Pawpo's oldest daughters)  for dessert.  Granny and Pawpo were excited to show off their Great-Grand kids (I would like to say they were excited to show me off but we all know that wasn't true) and I was very excited to meet people I have heard about all of my life or haven't seen in years.  On a side note Paul and I come from small families compared to the whole "Ball Clan."  I consider everyone in my family very out going but when you walk into a house with 30+ people you are a little overwhelmed.  Everyone was so nice and excited to see us that I don't think I stopped talking for 3 hours!

Two of my favorite man in the world!

We look great considering we are in a "Turkey" coma and just want to be in our  sweat pants.

I have to say that I think my grandparents get shorter every time I see them....that or my son is getting taller.  I will let you decided....

       O.k o.k I have shared all the family mussy stuff now lets get onto the totally awesome part....

Pawpo told Trent that he could drive the pick up truck if he helped clear some brush.  (Fun Fact:  I learned how to drive on this exact pick up truck.  You suddenly feel really old when your child is learning in the vehicle that just yesterday you were learning in!)  I have never seen my son work so fast!

Trent did a great job and for all of his hard work Pawpo held up all his of the deal and let Trent drive....

I will be honest here.  I was nervous, the poor kid could hardly see over the steering wheel!

and drive...

       I am glad to say that Trent and Pawpo both lived long enough to visit with Uncle Boyd.  For those of you who do not know Granny is 1 of 16 but all of her siblings live in the south so I have not had an opportunity to meet them.  We were able to share a meal with him and swap stories.  
In tradition we also celebrated Sydnee's birthday with the family on Friday.  She is very excited to be turning 6 and was so happy that she was able to be with Granny and Pawpo for her 1st birthday party.  See in the Allen family we get birthday weeks, how cool are we!  We made her a chocolate and vanilla cake with all kinds of girly stuff on top.

       This was Granny and Pawpo's first time to attend one of the kids birthday's.  It wasn't anything big but we were together and Sydnee felt special.  She got some new outfits and a very cute pair of boots.  She told Granny that she did a great job picking them out!  My fashion diva...       
I am sure that I am going to get flack about posting this picture but I just wanted proof that the "DUH" look my kids will get is a family thing.  It is in our gene's so not my fault....just sayin....


No matter how old you are, your Granny will always be your Granny.
They feel blessed knowing that I had found such a wonderful man to spend the rest of my life with...

After all this fun you would think that we would never leave!  Every vacation must end and at last so did this one.  Pawpo made us a great breakfast and we hit the road.....


  1.'s granny and pawpo!! They look GREAT! Is is possible they look younger than when I met them so many years ago?

    So glad you guys had such a nice Thanksgiving and party for Syd. And glad you made it home safely and without any chigger bites.


  2. Chiggers!!!! I thought my leg was going to be lost remember???? I have that all on video....the good old times
