Friday, November 18, 2011

How to Survive Being a Youth Pastors Wife

1.  You never laugh AT your husband ALWAYS with him.  When they decide to dance with a trash can on their head.  You hold your head up high and tell him how funny he is.

.  When they fall asleep mid-day, let them sleep.  No matter how much sugar and caffeine they ingest they will never have the stamina of a 16 years old so when they crash, they need it.

3.  Once in awhile you will have to remind them they can not fly.  Do this gently!  One of the reasons they enjoy youth ministry is because they get to act like superman at times.

4.  Yes that is Paul with a Mohawk.  Youth pastors will do whatever they need to do to get their students attention.  So when they do something over the top be proud that they care so much that they are willing to go the extra mile.

5.  When parents walk in on a game that may have gotten side tracked help remind them that the kids are having fun and their youth pastor would never hurt them intentionally.  

6.  Just because they grow and get older do not expect them to treat their clothes any better.  ALWAYS, ALWAYS have back ups.

7.  Remember that they are working for the Lord, so pray.  Not only for your husband but also all of the students that they ministering to.  It is our jobs to laugh, be prepared and love them.  If you do this right the ride is a GREAT ONE!


  1. What a beautiful post Laura!!! Truly!

  2. What a wonderful post Laura! Thank you for sharing your insight into being a youth pastors wife. You taught me a different way to look at it! Thanks, Sherri

  3. That is very sweet of you both. Thanks Ladies!
